Plaćanje karticama

Hotel Zora
Primošten hoteli d.o.o.
Raduča ul. 11, 22202, Primošten,
OIB: 20719186567
MB: 01742353

Requests and reservations are accepted via our web pages (e-mail or registration form), by post, telephone, fax
or personally at the hotel reception.
As the reservation would be valid the user needs to pay the advanced payment in the minimum amount of EUR
100,00 or BAM 200,00, or the amount agreed with the Sales department of the hotel
The advanced payments can be effectuated ONLINE/BY CREDIT CARDS or OFFLINE via bank remittances, and
personally at the hotel reception
The final account is carried out at the hotel reception prior departure.
Specified prices are informative, and the hotel reserves the right to make changes. The change of the reservation
is possible only in writing.For additional information, the Sales department of the hotel is at your disposal: phone
+385 (0)22 581 111, fax: +385 (0)22 570 302, e-mail:


Sigurnost plaćanja kreditnim karticama
Tajnost Vaših podataka je zaštićena i osigurana korištenjem posljednje verzije TLS enkripcije. Stranice za naplatu
putem interneta osigurane su korištenjem Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protokola sa 128-bitnom enkripcijom
podataka. SSL enkripcija je postupak šifriranja podataka radi sprječavanja neovlaštenog pristupa prilikom
njihovog prijenosa.
Time je omogućen siguran prijenos informacija te onemogućen nedozvoljen pristup podacima prilikom
komunikacije između korisnikovog računala i WebPay servisa, te obratno.
WebPay servis i financijske ustanove razmjenjuju podatke uporabom virtualne privatne mreže (VPN), koja je
zaštićena od neautoriziranog pristupa.
Monri Payment Gateway je certificiran prema PCI DSS Level 1 sigurnosnom standardu propisanom Visa i
Mastercard pravilima.
Trgovac ne pohranjuje brojeve kreditnih kartica i brojevi nisu dostupni neovlaštenim osobama.

Credit card purchase security statement
Confidentiality of your information is protected and secured by using latest TLS encryption. Pages for web
payment are secured by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption. SSL encryption is
a data coding procedure for prevention of unauthorized access during data transfer.
This enables a secure data transfer and prevents unauthorized data access during communication between user
and Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and vice versa.
Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and financial institutions exchange data by using their virtual private network
(VPN) which is also protected from unauthorized access.
Monri Payments is PCI DSS Level 1 certified payment service provider.
Credit card numbers are not stored by Merchant and are not available to unauthorized personnel.


Izjava o zaštiti i prikupljanju osobnih podataka
Obavezujemo se pružati zaštitu osobnim podacima kupaca, na način da prikupljamo samo nužne, osnovne
podatke o kupcima / korisnicima koji su nužniza ispunjenje naših obveza; informiramo kupce o načinu korištenja
prikupljenih podataka, redovito dajemo kupcima mogućnost izbora o upotrebi njihovih podataka, uključujući
mogućnost odluke žele li ili ne da se njihovo ime ukloni s lista koje se koriste za marketinške kampanje.
Svi se podaci o korisnicima strogo čuvaju i dostupni su samo djelatnicima kojima su ti podaci nužni za obavljanje
posla. Svi naši djelatnici i poslovni partneri odgovorni su za poštivanje načela zaštite privatnosti.

Personal data gathering and protection statement
We are committed to provide service of protection of our customer’s personal data in a way that we collect only
essential basic information about our buyers that are necessary for fulfilling our obligations. We also inform our
customers about the way we collect information and regularly give customers an option about how their
information will be used, including the possibility to decide whether their name should be included or omitted
from the lists used for marketing campaigns.
All user information is strictly guarded and are available only to the employees who need that information for
completing the job.
All our employees and business partners are responsible to follow the principles of confidentiality protection.

Naručeni usluge plaćaju se online jednom od kreditnih kartica: Mastercard, Maestro ,Visa i Diners Club.

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Cancellation conditions
The reservation is valid from the date the advanced payment or the reservation fee is paid and kept until 24:00
hrs at the day of arrival to the hotel.
The reservation can be cancelled in writing, by e-mail of by fax30 days prior arrival latest i.e. before using the
ordered and reserved services. The hotel reserves the right to keep the amount of Eur 100,00 (BAM 200,00) per
room for reservation expenses.
In case the reservation prepaid in full amount is cancelled within 1-30 days prior arrival i.e. before using the
ordered and reserved services, the hotel has no obligation to return 30% of the prepaid amount, the exception
being illness or vis major. In case of no show the hotel keeps 100% of the prepaid advanced payment or
reservation fee.


All payments will be affected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for
is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian Kuna according to the current exchange
rate of the local Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into
your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion
there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.